9th Scientific Conference All About People- March 2021
For the third time, the Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy had its own dance section within the Conference All About People. In relation to the COVID-19 situation and life in physical isolation, we have decided to address the post-postmodern paradigm of digimodernism and named our section Dance and Dance Education in a Digital Environment: All the World’s a Stage, referring to Shakespeare`s famous saying, since dance and dance education have moved from ordinary dance venues to a digital environment.
We hosted three distinguished keynote speakers Tarek Assam, Darrel Toulon and Dr. Risima Risimkin who discussed dance and dance education in the new circumstances and after them other participants presented their papers.
Below you can find the Proceedings book of this year`s dance section.
Proceedings Book of the Dance Section of the 9th Conference All About People