10th Conference It`s About People – Dance Section, March 18, 2022
The dance section of the 10th Conference It’s About People titled Recent experiences are shaping our future; potentials of dance as art, science, education and mediation in the post-pandemic period was held successfully on March 18, 2022. There were two distinguished keynote speakers from the Royal Academy of Dance in London, dr. Michelle Groves and dr. Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel and guest speaker Mr. Jan Linkens from the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. After the presentations of keynote speakers and the panel discussion there was a presentation of Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences Monitor. Dr. Sečak was invited to be one of the co-editors of this latest edition which is dedicated to contemporary dance and video and humanities in the digital age. The presentations of papers on the topic of dance and the digital era; dance mediation and psychological and educational aspects in dance followed. Moderators of the dance section were Dr. Sečak, dean and associate professor and Rosana Hribar, assistant professor and head of the Contemporary Dance Department of the Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy.